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Uploaded 14-Nov-17
Taken 9-Nov-17
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8 of 54 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:2017, Alexander, Alisa, Anna, Arsht, Arturo, Ascroft, Assistant, Azoulay, Azoulay, Azoulay, Benjamin, Bergen, Beth, Center, Chaz'men, Chorus, Christopher, Christy, Clark, Conductor, Conductor, Cook, Corbacio, Costume, Cox, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Danis, Designer, Designer, Designer, Designer, Director, Dominick, Dyer, Edgardo, Elise, English, Enrico, Fernando, Florida, Gallery, Grand, Grand, Guerrero, Haeran, Hong, Houston, Irmiter, James, Jane, Jesus, Joshua, Kalb, Katherine, Kozak, Kristopher, León, Liam, Lighting, Lighting, Liz, Lucia, Make-up, Manager, Mary, Master, Mayans, Miami, Michael, Nelson, Normanno, Opera, Opera, Opera, Original, Polianichko, Production, Production, Projected, Projected, Raimondo, Ramon, Roberto, Roche, Sandell, Schaefer, Scheunemann, Set, Simon, Spanish, Stage, Studio, Sue, Susan, T%d, Tebar, Titles, Titles, Trevor, Troy, Werley, Wig, Williams-Ali, and, and, backstages, digital
Photo Info

Dimensions5500 x 2941
Original file size3.33 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken9-Nov-17 20:39
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeCanon
Camera modelCanon EOS 5DS R
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Shutter priority
ISO speedISO 2000
Metering modePattern
Lucia di Lammermoor Florida Grand Opera by Salvadore Cammarano

Lucia di Lammermoor Florida Grand Opera by Salvadore Cammarano


Lucia is the unlucky Scottish girl who becomes a pawn in her family’s plot to revive its fortunes, is forced into a marriage against her will, and butchers her bridegroom on their wedding night. Experience this haunting, atmospheric opera, complete with crumbling castles and ghostly apparitions, plus a breathtaking mad scene that will have you pinned to your seat.